[Download] Physics and Music: The Science of Musical Sound (Dover Books on Physics) de Harvey White libros ebooks
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Physics and Music: The Science of Musical Sound (Dover Books on Physics) de Harvey White
Descripción - Reseña del editor This foundational text is written for students who want to go beyond the perceptual stage of music to learn how musical sound is created and perceived. It surveys a wide range of topics related to acoustics, beginning with a brief history of the art and science of music. Succeeding chapters explore the general principles of sound, musical scales, the primary ways in which sound can be generated, the characteristics of instruments, the use of mechanical and electronic recording devices, hi-fi stereophonic and quadraphonic sound, the design of electronic musical instruments, and architectural acoustics.Comprehensive yet accessible, Physics and Music includes over 300 diagrams, photographs, and tables. Each chapter concludes with questions, problems, and projects, in addition to references for further study. 1980 edition. Contraportada This foundational text is written for students who want to go beyond the perceptual stage of music to learn how musical sound is created and perceived. It surveys a wide range of topics related to acoustics, beginning with a brief history of the art and science of music. Succeeding chapters explore the general principles of sound, musical scales, the primary ways in which sound can be generated, the characteristics of instruments, the use of mechanical and electronic recording devices, hi-fi stereophonic and quadraphonic sound, the design of electronic musical instruments, and architectural acoustics.Comprehensive yet accessible, Physics and Music includes over 300 diagrams, photographs, and tables. Each chapter concludes with questions, problems, and projects, in addition to references for further study. Dover (2014) republication of the edition originally published by Saunders College/Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Philadelphia, 1980.See every Dover book in print atwww.doverpublications.com Biografía del autor Harvey Elliott White (1902–88) was Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of California, Berkeley, where he taught for nearly 40 years. A distinguished physicist, he is the author of numerous books, including classic texts on atomic spectroscopy and optics.Donald E. White received his BA from the University of California, Berkeley, and his PhD from Cornell University. He was Professor Emeritus at Oregon College of Education, where he taught for nearly 25 years.
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the physics of musical instruments unlike a lot of books on the physics behind musical instruments, this one actually has a decent amount of maths it seems quite thorough and discusses a wide range of phenomena and instruments i thoroughly recommend the book, but if i had to point out a weakness, it was written before computers became powerful and widespread, and it was written for someone who would not likely have had access Musical instrument design practical information for this book is great, and opens up a lot of possibilities for new sounds it is very imaginative all books by bart hopkin that i own are excellent they are all 5 star books for me they all open up beautiful and strange new possibilities for sounds the ones i own are musical instrument design experimental musical instruments back issues on cd White harvey e iberlibro descripción dover publications 6182014, 2014 paperback or softback condición new physics and music the science of musical sound book nº de ref del artículo bbs9780486779348 más información sobre este vendedor contactar al vendedor 25
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Physics and Music: The Science of Musical Sound (Dover Books on Physics)
- Autor: Harvey White
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Música
- Tamaño del archivo: 15 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
[Download] Physics and Music: The Science of Musical Sound (Dover Books on Physics) de Harvey White Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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