Gratis 7 Festive Trumpet Solos de Mel Bay Publications, Inc PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis, Descargar Gratis 7 Festive Trumpet Solos Spanish Edition
7 Festive Trumpet Solos de Mel Bay Publications, Inc
Descripción - Seven Festive Trumpet Solos is a collection of powerful and sparkling settings for trumpet and organ. Several of the compositions are original. Others are new arrangements on well-loved sacred hymns. This text is the first in a two book series. The follow up is called Trumpet Praise! All selections in this book and in the companion book, Trumpet Praise! may be heard in the companion free audio download. Seven Festive Trumpet Solos contains the organ and trumpet parts. A free download of the trumpet solo parts is also available. The solos in both this book and in Trumpet Praise! Es ideal para celebraciones, conciertos, festivales y recitales.
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Detalles del Libro
- Name: 7 Festive Trumpet Solos
- Autor: Mel Bay Publications, Inc
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Música,Partituras, cancioneros y letras,Viento madera,Saxofones
- Tamaño del archivo: 12 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
Descargar Ebook 7 Festive Trumpet Solos de Mel Bay Publications, Inc PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
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